Greetings Dear Friend: "How are you doing?" This is a question we have been receiving a lot lately. It's really hard to answer this question. We are hanging in there. We have had appointments and meetings every week since the tumor diagnosis. We have been overrun with information. We have felt overwhelmed by blessings. We have received so much love and support. We have had no choice but to be humbled. We are also going about business as usual. Justin hasn't missed a day of work. I continue to tend to the home while perfecting my new job of chauffeuring. We have had to confront hard realities. We have had tough conversations. We have also had fun. We have laughed. We have loved. We have lived. The interesting thing is that there are moments of pure bliss and then there are moments of fear. We are human, but we are resilient. We are weary, but we are hopeful. At 9am in the morn...
Join our family as we share stories of faith, overcoming hardship, and God's provision.